Choose from one of our 3 models

App Based

Best for individual business people. Company employees can create individual profiles and customize to their liking.

Subscription Plans

Best for small businesses with various needs. Google Forms integration, custom landing page and more available.

Scaled Solutions

Best for large businesses/corporations that need specific NFC solutions. Most cost effective solution by volume.


Custom Made

Our high quality tags are designed precisely for the needs of your business.


✅ No app necessary

✅ Improve online reviews

✅ Gain customer insight

✅ Increase reward member sign-ups

✅ Lasting impressions help retention


➜ Strategic tag placement is key for higher engagement


Our custom business solutions include programming Greet Tags with Google Forms integration, a custom landing page, or any web link your company desires. We’ll work with you to decide on the best plan for your business.

Forms Integration


Gain customer insight through our new Google Forms integrated tags. You’ll have full access to a Google Form that you can update limitlessly! Create surveys, collect customer info and more. Updates will happen automatically so you’ll never have to reprogram your Greet Tags!

All tags are durably made to be waterproof and resistant to heat/cold, both indoors and outdoors. Tags can also be made to work on metal surfaces.